Identification of cis-acting elements that regulate expression of the progesterone receptor gene PGR in the uterus

July 15, 2024
Research Journal

By Skylar Montague Redecke

Under the supervision of Dr. San-Pin Wu and Dr. Francesco DeMayo

Department of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, NIEHS


The hormone progesterone, alongside its receptor PGR, is a master regulator for female reproductive
function, orchestrating processes like pregnancy establishment, maintenance, and labor. When PGR levels are
misregulated, progesterone resistance can occur, which is an underlying factor in many reproductive pathologies
including endometriosis and infertility. Despite the importance of PGR in the reproductive tract, very little is
known about how it is regulated. In this study, elements of the genome that are critical for regulating PGR are
identified to gain insight into how it becomes disrupted, and how we can restore its delicate balance.

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